
The skills tab allows you to add new skills and configure all settings about it:

As you can see, a skill has many settings.

General Settings:

  • Skill Name: The name of the skill

  • Skill Description: The description of the skill

  • Icon: The icon of the image (used in the Skills component and skill tree)

Skill Settings:

  • Skill Type: What type of skill is this one (you can only choose one type per skill). This type is also used to procedurally generate a skill tree

  • Assignable to Skill Bar: Can you add the skill to a skill bar (like a hotbar with skills to execute)?

  • Skill Execution Type: What execution type is the skill? There are three types of skill:

    • Instant Execute --> Instantly executes a skill (skips the casting phase)

    • Cast Execute --> This skill needs a cast time before it executes

    • Permanent Execute --> Constantly executing this skill, like having an HP buff (only executes the execution phase, skips every other)

    • Stored --> “Reloads” a skill after executing, can store up to a certain amount of skill executions. The "reload" will be reset when you execute the skill again. Only a full "reload" gives you an execution back

    You can specify the time for the cast and execution phase before the next phase starts.

  • Cast time: Time for casting a skill (i.e. a magic spell with a preparation time)

  • Execution time: Time for a skill to execute

  • Cooldown time: Time until a skill can be used again. Does not apply to Permanent Execute skills

  • Cooldown time between: Time to wait for a stored skill to wait until it can be used again

  • Max amount: Maximum amount of executions of a stored skill

  • Start amount: The starting amount of executions of a stored skill

  • Conditions for activating a skill: These conditions must be true to activate the skill

  • Skill State: The state a skill has at the start of the game. Ideal for specifying beginner skills that are active from the start

  • Use Skill Points: Use the skill points property in the settings to unlock this skill

  • Skill Points Needed: The amount of skill points to use to unlock the skill

  • Requires Level: Use the level property in the settings as a requirement to unlock the skill

  • Level: The level the character needs to have to unlock the skill

  • Relies On Skills: Rely on these skills (they need to be unlocked)

  • Additional conditions to unlock the skill: Use these additional conditions to check if someone can to unlock the skill

  • Reset Skills Settings: These actions will get executed when the skill is being reset (usually when doing a reset of all skills)

Skill Events:

  • On Activate: Execute these actions when the skill gets activated

  • On Cast: Execute these actions when the skill is in the casting phase

  • On Execute: Execute these actions when executing the skill

  • On Finish: Execute these actions when the skill reaches the finishing phase

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