
Contains the logic for the skillbar visible outside the skill tree UI.


public class SkillBarElement : MonoBehaviour


MonoBehaviour --> SkillBarElement




Target to which the skill bar belongs to

Key code to execute the skill assigned to this element

Icon of the skill

Icon when no skill is assigned

Icon when the skill is in cooldown

Boolean value to determine whether to show an icon

when the skill is executing

Icon when the skill is executing

Boolean value to determine whether to show the

key code text for this element

Text to show which indicates which key to press to execute

the skill assigned to this element

Boolean value to determine whether to show the remaining execution time

Text component reference for the remaining execution time

Boolean value to determine whether to show the remaining cooldown time

Text component reference for the remainin cooldown time

Boolean value to determine whether to show the remaining skill executions of a stored skill

Text component reference for the remaining skill executions of a stored skill

The skill assigned to this element

Variable which holds the Skills component of the target

(the one who executes the skills)




Initializes the executer and UI

Checks for input to execute the assigned skill

Executes the current assigned skill

Synchronizes a skill with the one from the skill tree skill bar

Updates the GUI when a skill is executing

Updates the icons and the key code text

Cancels the updating of the GUI when cancelling the skill execution

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