Finder for Game Creator 2

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Finder for Game Creator 2 is a module for Game Creator 2 and allows you to find and edit all Game Creator 2 components and scriptable objects in centralized Editor windows.

Download the module:

Key Features

  • Edit all Game Creator 2 components and scriptable objects in centralized Editor windows

  • Search many different attributes of the GC2 elements

  • Sort from A-Z or Z-A


Download the package from the the Unity Asset Store. You need Game Creator 2 installed first.

Then, bring up the Examples Manager by clicking on the Game Creator option in the toolbar and selecting Examples Manager. In the section Finder 2, select Core and click on the Enable button. Repeat this for each module you want.

This asset requires Game Creator 2 and won't work without it. Don't attempt to extract the package inside the Plugins/ folder as it will throw errors.

Last updated